Morning Sickness! This is by far the most common symptom that women experience during pregnancy. This refers to the nausea and vomiting that most often begins within the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. Most all women experience some degree of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Luckily, it often resolves by the fourteenth to fifteenth week for most women but can really occur anytime during pregnancy. Severe, persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is called hyperemesis gravidarum which is a more serious form of morning sickness and may need medical treatment.
The name "Morning Sickness" doesn't quite describe the symptoms women experience as often it is not limited to just the morning. It can occur any time during the day or at night and can last a couple hours or all day!
So, a couple of helpful tips women can try to decrease the nausea/vomiting are:
Eat bread or crackers before you get out of bed in the mornings
Try dry, bland foods-nothing fried, greasy or spicy
Cabohydrates are often better tolerated
Have regular small meals or snacks during the day
Ginger, lemon and mint tea can help
Ginger snaps, Ginger Ale are also helpful
Chewable prenatal vitamins may cause less nausea
Vitamin B6 can also help decrease nausea and vomitin
You should contact your healthcare provider if the symptoms are severe or you experience any of the following as they may indicate hyperemesis gravidarum:
Losing weight (more than 5 pounds over a week or two)- it is normal not to gain weight in the first trimester or to even lose a couple pounds. Don't worry, they'll come back!
Consistently have a very dry mouth, or unpleasant or fruity taste in your mouth
Not urinating very often and your urine is very dark and has a strong odor
Can't keep food or liquid down for more than 24 hours
Are extremely tired, dizzy or confused
There are over-th-counter supplements/medications that can help:
Vitamin B6, 100mg and 1/2 of a Unisom Sleep Aid tablet together twice to three times daily can decrease nausea and vomiting
Dramamine and Benedryl are actually great anti-nausea medications!
Sea Bands which are bands you can wear on your wrists sometimes help with symptoms
Your healthcare provider can also prescribe medications that can help with morning sickness symptoms if these tips don't help.
Remember, that for most women these initial symptoms or morning sickness are temporary and by the second trimester improve significantly!